Dual Immersion TWBI Program

Milpitas' inclusive Spanish Immersion School

Dual Language Programs are a Choice Program. It is an additive bilingual program where students engage in formal second language study from Kindergarten to 6th grades. In Dual Language programs both native speakers of the target language and non-target language speakers are mixed together in the same classroom. All students are taught to read and write first in the target language. Randall will be implementing a Spanish/English Dual Language Program.The goals are the same for all Dual Language Immersion Programs and requires the program to be carefully designed K-high school in order to help students achieve high levels of bilingualism, grade level or above reading, writing abilities in two languages and understand how to use the language with the people that speak the language in formal and informal situations. Randall will implement a 90-10 program model:  90% Spanish and 10% English in Kinder and 1st grade.  The amount of English increases every year after until in 5th and 6th grade students work 50% of the day in Spanish and 50% in English.The teachers deliver monolingual instruction. The day is split via content area--certain subjects are taught in Spanish others in English. For example, in Kinder, the language of instruction is Spanish for language arts, math, science, social studies, and P.E. English is the language of instruction for English Language Development.

What is Dual Language Immersion?

Dual language immersion programs include native English-speaking students and native speakers of a foreign language. The goals of dual language immersion programs are to develop bilingualism/biliteracy, academic achievement, and cross-cultural competencies for all students. In dual immersion programs, students learn content through both their native language and the target language.  Simultaneous translation is never used.  By the end of 6th grade, all students in the program are proficient in English, proficient in the target language, and at or above grade level academic benchmarks

What are the benefits of the Dual Language Immersion Program?

This unique program offers English and Spanish speaking students the opportunity to learn and excel in two languages, English and Spanish. Students in a Dual Language Immersion Program are taught in the 90/10 model. Students in kindergarten and first grade receive 90% of their instruction in Spanish and 10% in English. Each subsequent year, English is gradually increased into the program. By the 5th and 6th grade, instructional time will be 50% in English and 50% in Spanish. Students at this time will develop fluency in both languages. 

Intellectual: Bilingual students show greater fluency in communication and literacy that transfers into academic success in both English and Spanish. Additionally, they acquire knowledge in all academic subjects as outlined by the National Common Core Academic Standards.

​Social: Cultivates appreciation of other cultures, strengthens positive attitudes among students and families, inspires self-esteem. 

​Economic: Increased demand for bilingual employees throughout the world

In addition to developing a lifelong ability to communicate with people from other countries and backgrounds, other benefits include improved overall school performance and superior problem solving skills. (Bamford and Mizokawa) 

Children who learn in two languages develop a “common underlying proficiency” which is transferable between languages. (Cummins, 1987) 

HOw does a second language impact my child in middle & high school?

The Critical Period Theory explains that the brain easily acquires second (and more) languages before puberty, while middle and high school foreign language programs address language learning after the onset of puberty, skipping the developmental stages of the early years and reducing the opportunities for natural language acquisition.

The state of California offers the State Seal of Biliteracy to students who are fluent in English and another language. Click here to learn how your child can become Biliterate!

"The SSB shows that graduates have accomplished measurable skills that demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and another language."

HOw can two languages improve my child's English proficiency?

Research done by Cummins (1981), Lambert, Genesee, Holobow and Chartrand (1993) show that students who acquire advanced levels of proficiency in two languages often experience cognitive and linguistic advantages when compared to monolingual students. Bilingual students perform better on tasks that require divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving, and have enhanced levels of metalinguistic awareness (Adams, 1990).

Research indicates that a Dual Language Immersion Program is the most effective model to educate limited English Proficient students. In addition, it offers a second language for English speaking students without risk to their academic achievements or English proficiency. 


Do dual immersion students learn the same curriculum as the English-only programs?

Yes. The standards and curriculum of Randall are the same as for all students in the Milpitas Unified School District. The only difference is the language of instruction.

what if no one at home speaks the second language?

One of the advantages of this program is that students with strong English succeed well. Children often start to apply the literacy skills, which they have learned in the first language to the second language. Read to your children daily! Continue the literacy experiences you would naturally encourage. 

How will my child understand if s/he does not speak the second language?

Teachers in the dual language immersion program are specially trained to make the information meaningful through the use of visuals, objects, gestures, and specialized instructional strategies. The 90/10 model offers students the opportunity to communicate in both languages to help each other succeed.

How much English time is allocated  in the classroom?

Students in kindergarten and first grade receive 90% of their instruction in Spanish and 10% in English. Each subsequent year, English is gradually increased into the program. By the 5th and 6th grade, instructional time will be 50% in English and 50% in Spanish. Students at this time will develop fluency in both languages. Both languages are used everyday in separate "Spanish Time" and "English Time" according to the program design. 

Can parents volunteer in the classroom? 

Yes. We love Volunteers! Parent involvement is foundational to student success in this program, and the more a parent experiences the learning environment, the more he/she will know how to support their children's learning. Communication with parents is conducted in the language they understand. Randall offers volunteering opportunities through two programs, a Spanish speaking parent Volunteer group known as Los Dichos as well as our wonderful PTA.  Please visit their page here. 

How can parents support their child in the program?

Keep up the high quality English and/or Spanish at home. Read with your child in English and/or Spanish daily. Discuss what your child is learning. Listen to him/her read. Try to learn along with your child. Attend virtual Coffee with the principal at Randall. Spanish and ESL courses are available at the Milpitas Adult Education School.

When will my child become fluent in both languages?

Our goal is to have your child fluent in both languages by 5th or 6th grade! Each child is developmentally unique, so the fluency will also develop individually. You will be informed on a regular basis of your child's oral fluency progress. You will also be informed regularly of your child's academic progress. Keeping the communication line between you and your child's teacher is the best resource to find out how well your child is doing.

Where can I get more information on Dual Immersion Programs?

We are happy to offer you the only Dual Immersion program in the Milpitas Unified School District.

Please Contact us with any questions at 408.635.2662 or visit our website Randall Elementary. 

Milpitas REsident FAQs

Can older siblings attend Randall?

For those families with older elementary students, we will support enrolling older students at Randall as you enroll your TK/Kindergarten students in the dual immersion program

Pueden asistir los hermanos(as) a Randall?

Los hermanos(s) mayores de los ninos que se inscriben en el grado TK o grado Kinder, en la escuela Randall, tambien pueden enscribirse en la escuela.

Why Spanish?

Spanish is currently the second most popular language in the United States.  It is also currently the second largest language group in Milpitas.  Additionally, we believe we can successfully staff with both teachers and Principal a staff with experience in teaching and leading a Spanish immersion program.

​Por que el espanol?

El Espanol ahorita es la segunda lengua mas popular en los Estados Unidos.  Tambien esta lengua es el segundo grupo mas grande en la ciudad de Milpitas.  Creemos que podemos tener los maestros y un principe con la experiencia necesaria para tener exito en dar una educacion bilingue.

Why Randall?

The Randall/Rose corridor of Milpitas contains the majority of the Spanish speakers in Milpitas.  Randall is also small enough of a school for the whole school to convert to a Dual Language school if the interest exists.

Por que la escuela Randall?

La area cerca de las escuelas de Randall y Rose en Milpitas tiene la mayoria de los hispanohablantes en la ciudad.  Randall es bastante pequena para cambiar a una escuela bilingue si hay bastante interesa.

Will we provide bus service?

No.  There are no current plans to provide bus service to Randall.

Habra servicio de autobus?

No.  No habra servicio de autobus a la escuela Randall.

Will there be a lottery to get in?

Currently we do not plan to have a lottery unless the initial registration for the program exceeds capacity.

Habra una loteria para enscribirse en la escuela?

Ahora no tenemos una loteria.  Si el registro para el programa es mas que se puede enscribirse, seria una posibilidad.

Will there be programs offered to older grades (1-6) so they, too, can be benefit from the dual language immersion program?

Not at the current time.  While we are considering enrichment programs such as Spanish class (foreign language) there are no plans for a full dual language immersion program starting beyond kindergarten of fall 2016.

Will the district look at changing bell schedules in the event there are two children at different school sites?​

Possibly.  We are still investigating those details.  The district is committed to making sure parents who have children at two different schools have the time needed for drop off and pick up.

Va a cambiar el distrito los horarios si las familias tienen ninos en escuelas diferentes?

Es una posibilidad.  Estamos investigando unos detalles.  Ahora el distrito asegura que los padres con ninos en escuelas diferentes tienen bastante tiempo para dejar y recoger a los niños.

Will the district consider before/after school care for those with siblings at other sites?

Yes, this option is under consideration.

Will my younger children be guaranteed a spot at Randall later on?

​While we can not guarantee a spot, younger siblings of students who attend the Dual Language program would have priority enrollment over others.​

Es una garantía que los hermanos(as) menores pueden asistir a la escuela Randall, en el futuro?

​No. No hay una garantía, pero los hermanos(as) menores de los ninos que asisten a la escuela tendrán la prioridad de inscribirse - más que otros niños.

What will happen to Randall resident students who do not want to attend the Dual Language program?

Randall resident students who do not want to attend the Dual Language program will be assigned to the nearest neighborhood school, Alexander Rose Elementary.

Que van a hacer los ninos que viven en la vecindad de Randall, si no quieren ir al program bilingue.

El distrito puede crear un proceso para inscribirse en otra escuela, si hay espacio.

What changes do we expect to see in student’s socio-emotional & academic outcomes?

Pride, sense of self worth, valuing diversity and culture.​

Que van a ser los resultados escolares, y los resultados emocionales de esta programa?

El orgullo, la autoestima, y el valor de la diversidad y la cultura.

Academic REferences

Adams, M. (1990). Beginning to read: Thinking and learning about print. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
August, D., Goldenberg, C., & Rueda, R. (2010). Restrictive State Language Policies: Are They Scientifically Based? In Gándara, P. & M. Hopkins (Eds.), English Learners and Restrictive Language Policies (pp. 139-158). New York/London: Teachers College Press.
Brookover, B. (1985). Can We Make Schools Effective for Minority Students? The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 54, No. 3, Successful Schooling Policies, Practices, Programs. (Summer, 1985), pp. 257-268.
Cummins, J. (1981). The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students. In California State Department of Education (Ed.), Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework (pp. 3-49). Los Angeles: National Dissemination and Assessment Center.
Coburn, C., Penuel, W., & Geil, K. (2013). Research-Practice Partnerships. The William T. Grant Foundation. pp. 1-37.
Goldenberg, C. (2008). Teaching English Language Learners: What the Research Does—and Does Not—Say. American Educator. Summer (report).
Heritage, M., Walqui, A. & Linquanti, R. (2015). English Language Learners and the New Standards: Developing Language, Content Knowledge, and Analytical Practices in the Classroom. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Ladson-Billings, G. (2006). From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in Schools. Educational Researcher, 35(3), 3-12.
Lambert, W.E., Genesee, F., Holobow, N., & Chartrand, L. (1993), Bilingual Education For Majority English-Speaking Children. European Journal of Psychology of Education 8 (1), 3- 22.
Lindholm-Leary, K. J., & Howard, E. R. (2008). Language development and academic achievement in two-way immersion programs. In T. W. Fortune & D. J. Tedick (Eds.), Pathways to Multilingualism: Evolving Perspectives on Immersion Education (pp. 177-200). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Mendoza Reis, N. & Flores, B. (2014). Changing the Pedagogical Culture of Schools with Latino English Learners: Reculturing Instructional Leadership. In P. Portes, S. Salas, P. Baquedano-López, & P. Mellom U.S. Latinos and Education Policy (pp. 192-203). New York: Routledge.

Portes, A. & Rumbaut, R. (2001). Not everyone is chosen: Segmented Assimilation and Its Determinants. In Legacies: The story of the immigrant second generation (pp. 44-69). Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.

P. Gandara & F. Contreras (2009). The Latino Education Crisis: The Consequences of Failed Social Policies. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Chapter 3: Schools and the Latino Schooling Experience, pp. 86-120; Chapter 4: Is Language the Problem? pp. 121-150.
Valdés, G. (2003). Expanding Definitions of Giftedness. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Chapts.1-2.
Sleeter, C. (2005). Confronting the Marginalization of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Urban Education 47 (3), 562-584.
Suárez Orozco, C., et al. (2008). Learning a New Land: Immigrant Students in American Society. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Chapter 6: Portraits of Low Achievers, pp. 228-260.

More INformation

National Association of Bilingual EducationCalifornia Association for Bilingual EducationCenter for Language Minority Education and ResearchNational Clearinghouse for Bilingual EducationCenter for Research on Education, Diversity and ExcellenceSCCOE
Further Readings
Dual language Instruction - A Handbook for Enriched Education: by Nancy Cloud, Fred Genesee, Else Hamayan. Heinle & Heinle.
A parent's and Teachers Guide to Bilingualism by Colin Baker, Multilingual Matters LTD.
Profiles in dual-immersion Education by Donna Christian, Chris Monstone, Kathryn Lindholm, and Isolda Carranza. Delta Systems, Inc. and Eric Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics.
The Power of Two Languages 2000: Effective Dual Languages Use Across the Curriculum by Josefina Tinajero and Robert DeVillar (eds.) McGraw Hill.
Dual Language Education by Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, (in Press) Avon, England: Multilingual Matters.
Biliteracy for a Global Society: An Idea Book on Dual Language Education by Kathryn Lindholm. National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.